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About Us

Here at Garage Results, we are dedicated to providing our readers with tons of valuable information so you can “improve your garage, one project at a time”. What does that mean? Well, we want to share our knowledge and expertise on everything that can help you maintain or build a better garage, whatever that means for you.

So, welcome to our website about garages! Whether you are looking for tips on garage storage, how to insulate your garage space, or new finishes for walls and floors, we have you covered.

Your garage is a place that you should be proud of and love. You should be able to spend time there, working on projects or enjoying your rest and relaxation.

Don’t worry, we also offer plenty of troubleshooting advice and information on regular garage maintenance tasks too. We hope you find this information helpful and that it inspires you to create a garage space that exceeds your dreams!

-The Garage Results Team

man under VW bug working on it in garage (black & white photo)

“We’re here to help improve your garage one project at a time”

– Garage Results

“I went to a garage sale.  How much for the garage?  It’s not for sale.”

– Steven Wright

Woz and I started Apple in my parent’s garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4,000 employees.

– Steve Jobs